Tuesday, May 20, 2008


When I learned how to type I was taught that a period or any other ending punctuation should always be followed by two spaces. One day when I was in sixth grade, my English teacher announced that it had been decided that sentences should be separated by only a single space.

Imagine: the sudden overturning of a fundamental rule.


Anonymous said...

I'm a rebel. I shall always use two spaces. What's next? Are they going to tell us there are only 8 planets in our solar system?

Anonymous said...

I never knew they used to have two spaces.

-sissy jak

Jake said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's word-processing programs' fault, by the way. They're 'intelligent' enough to add a little extra space after punctuation (as needed), whereas typewriters left an even amount of space no matter the characters on either side.

Jake said...

Huh. Neat.

Don't you have better things to do than comment on my dumb ol' blog, my New York-visiting sister? Or are you too scared of getting robbed again?