Suitable for framing. Makes a charming desktop image. Improv Update: Tonight was the night of the second meeting. Of the seven people who showed up last time, one e-mailed me in advance to tell me she was sick and one came forty minutes late to tell me he and his friend would be missing the meeting. All the others were no-shows. I did have four new kids show up, two of whom have actual, real-life improv experience. They also have loads of advice, which, really, is very nice, but most of it is along the lines of, "Hey, Jake, you should run this club in a completely different way." It doesn't bother me, but I do wonder what would compel a person to walk into a club and immediately start trying to change everything about it. Odd. Even more odd was that both of them were fully aware of what they were doing.
It was said that the drop in attendance may have been related to this being midterm week. Fair enough. Still, I don't want to battle each week just to get people to show up, but I do want the improv club to succeed. I'm going to try this thing one more time before calling it quits.
Oh, and it's been brought to my attention that there aren't any pictures of "naked chicks" on my blog. Consider this problem solved.

HAHA (<- a real laughter)
But careful with the chicks already, yours looks like it was beheaded.
Have a considerate day!
(Anyway .. what did your ex-hair say about the soy milk?)
chicky babies!!!
-sister jack
I did NOT need to see naked chicks on my brother's blog. Booooo!
But they are really cute! UN-booooo!
Speaking of boos, are you going to dress up for Halloween this year?
Probably not as Sarah Palin.
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