"50 and his buddies fly to some vague Middle Eastern country to play a benefit concert, get stiffed for their payment (a diamond-encrusted skull, no less), and end up embroiled in a massive firefight with several waring factions over the aforementioned bling."

Fitty's last game, 50 Cent: Bulletproof, gained a bit of media attention after Mr Cent encouraged parents to buy the game for their children, calling it an educational tool which could be used to teach kids about life in the 'hood.* The original release of the game was banned in Australia and some elements had to be cut in order for the game to fit Australian standards.
* 50 actually made some fairly valid points, even if he was an idiot for trying to pass Bulletproof off as "educational."
Dude, this was the most expensive piece of art ever sold by a living artist:
I must make it mine...
One day I will be rich and then... it will be mine...
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