Friday, December 5, 2008
It Won't Long Be Long, Yeah! (Yeah!) 'Til I Buh-log to You
Interested? Leave a comment. I'm going to tentatively schedule the beginning of the thing for January 15. If that's not going to work for you, let me know as soon as possible. Worried you'll forget about all of this before then? Sign up now and I'll be sure to remind you to begin blogging as we approach the starting date. I'll continue accepting new contestants until the day we begin.
By the way, I'll be spending Christmas with the family, so this blog will be even more dead than usual over the next month. That doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to hopefully refresh this page every hour, and don't forget that it's always a good time to re-read the JakeyPen archives.
So that I might properly prepare for the sort of impersonal, detached blogging that comes as a result of doing this every day for a half a year, here's a link to something funny that someone else wrote [thanks, Dubious Quality!].
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Always a Ring Bearer, Never a Flower Girl
Hi, Holden, hi!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You are the lucky visitor!
I have no prizes for you, dear readers, but I think the message holds true. You have the opportunity to read my blog. Indeed, a lucky visitor is you.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dia de los Muertos
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Blog About a Table
First of all, remember this guy?

In all seriousness, though, it was totally awesome. The man has an nice signature.

Even if I didn't know who these people were, I would've found the table interesting (interesting as tables go, at least) because the autographs were sealed off in frames. I'm not sure how to describe this, exactly. They were like picture frames that clamped around the corners of the table. Bizarre. I wonder if they were custom made. I can't imagine the table-corner frame business being a big money-maker.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Inside Jokes Make the Best Blog Posts
It was said that the drop in attendance may have been related to this being midterm week. Fair enough. Still, I don't want to battle each week just to get people to show up, but I do want the improv club to succeed. I'm going to try this thing one more time before calling it quits.
Oh, and it's been brought to my attention that there aren't any pictures of "naked chicks" on my blog. Consider this problem solved.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Don't Be Turkeys; Rather KISS the Comedian
Troubling pattern: I have heard two (2) separate people this week say (and repeat) that KISS is important, which is stupid enough, but then they had the gall to explain the acronym. Are we really still doing this? I didn't think it was funny or clever ten years ago, and it hasn't improved with age. What really gets me is the palpable sense of smugness that always accompanies these obnoxious phrases.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Just Press the A Button
Don't get too excited. I'm not sure that video posts really count, anyway. Knowing that I'm a "blogger" makes me feel creepy enough, and making the switch to "vlogger" is something I can't bring myself to do. The thought makes my flesh feel like it's made of a trillion tiny Bumble Balls. Maybe not exactly like that. But I still don't want to be the guy who slaps a couple of videos on a page and wonders why no one visits his site.
I may be back with a bit of real news tomorrow, as I just recently returned from the first meeting of my new improv comedy club. I'd love to talk about it now, but I have loads of homework, and I'd much rather spend an hour explaining that I'm too busy to blog than spend ten minutes just writing about the club.
Right! Now on to a video!
Not just any video. I'm quite certain that what you're about to see means nothing to you, but it had me bouncing up and down, flailing and screaming like an eight-year-old girl at a Hannah Montana concert. Like an eight-year-old Olive Oyl.
The original No More Heroes may be the best game on Wii. (If not, then Metroid Prime 3 is the best, but MP3 doesn't let me perform Lucha Libre suplexes on homicidal baseball players, then cut them in half while shouting obscenities.) No More Heroes is only the best-or-second-best Wii game, it's one of the best games of all time on any system. And now there's going to be another one.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I Don't Truck Wit' No Devil!
Surprisingly fitting music stolen from The Elegant Too.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Follow the Bouncing Ball
Animation is one of those spooky, mystical things that's always amazed me. Throughout most of my life, I've lived with the assumption that drawing moving pictures was that sort of thing that either required the sale of one's soul/first born/voice to the devil/mafia/Sea Witch, or involved direct exposure to a high volume of luminescent radioactive material. I had heard tales of ordinary mortals acquiring the power to draw a set of sequential images, but I never thought it would happen to me.
I'm now three weeks into an animation course and I've learned that animating is actually quite easy. Animating anything that isn't completely awful, on the other hand, would cost me the ability to play Hey You, Pikachu! And I love Hey You, Pikachu!*
So I'm a lousy animator for now. At the same time, being able to make stuff move around on a screen is pretty neat. Here's some garbage I threw together over the last week:
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Have Always Liked "Cowabunga!"
Edit: On second look, this is actually old news, but if you haven't heard it, it's new to you.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Games and Stories: An Introduction
So, yeah, this somewhat indulgent (it is a blog, after all). This is for me more than anyone else. I'm sorting my thoughts because it will benefit me to have a concrete guide to games and stories as opposed to the free-floating thoughts that have been bouncing through my head for so long. It's also, believe it or not, for those of you without interest in the video game world. Many agree that we are nearing the point of video games becoming an accepted artistic medium. Movies weren't always given the reverence they enjoy today. Rock 'n' roll was long feared. You're on the Internet right now. You likely log on daily - ten years ago, did you honestly believe the Web would become a routine part of your life?
I'm writing this as a beginner's guide. An introduction. Most of my readers (I have readers, right?) are completely unfamiliar with the link between games and stories. I'm keeping you in mind as I write this, but even if I was writing for the current masters of gamemaking, this would still be a begginer's introduction. No one knows what they're doing yet.
This will be an ongoing series. I may drop the discussion for weeks or months at a time. This is a field that's still in its infancy, so I doubt there will be a definitive end.
If you're still bored now... I can't blame you. If I might break the fourth wall, I feel this is coming across as a bit dry and dull. I think that has more to do with me than with the subject. I'm just a dull person at the moment. Sorry. But seriously, this is gonna rock! Let's get excited! I'm going to list some thesis-y questions! That's awesome, right? How can you not be psyched?
What is a story?
What is a game?
How does story add to/detract from gameplay?
Why tell stories in games?
Are these all the big question I can think of for now?
Then I guess I'll wrap this up?
You do that?
Okay, I will?
Is this going to be boring?
Man, I hope not?
But, yeah, maybe?
Seriously, you guys, just give me a shot with this?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Schoooooooooool's! In! For! Autumn!
I had a thought recently about the word "blog." It's tough for me to take any Internet-age term seriously: blog, vlog, lol, rofl, roflcopter... ugh. The list goes on and on, but that's about as much as I can stand. Yes, we're all aware that "google" is a dictionary-approved word, but that doesn't mean I have to like it (or that you have to keep reminding me).
At the same time, all of these things have become a mostly-accepted part of my life. This may surprise you, but I blogged this mini-rant. Does it bother anyone else that we've been so inundated with stupid terms? Website - no problem. Personal Website - a little irksome, but I suppose it's a fair distinction. Blog - I want to stab a koala in the eye. A baby a koala. A cute one.
So here's the thought - was there ever a point in the past where people raised an objection to the word "novel?" What's wrong with "book?" "Narrative book?" Are we too good for books? Personally, I find the word "novel" a little pretentious.
Alright, that wasn't very insightful or thought-provoking. Pretty forced, really. Gimmie a break. I'm settling back into my groove. Let me try again...
Oh, here's sort of an announcement, though word's already leaked to quite a few people: I'm starting an improv comedy club at DigiPen. That should make the school year a bit more interesting, assuming there's enough time and enthusiasm to keep the club afloat. We will see how this goes. If anyone out there in the blogosphere has ever founded or joined an improv/comedy start-up and has any stories or advice to share, please do!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back From Outer Space
I'll fill you in on my month-plus hiatus later. I'm a bit busy tonight, but I know there's a lot of talk about me being dead, so I'd like to squash that myth and quell your fears before you spiral too far down into the void of hopeless, bleak despair that's no doubt imprisoned you during my absence.
Monday, June 30, 2008
End of Side A
This concludes Season One of JakeyPen. M-I-C, see ya real soon, and thanks for reading.
Congratulations Dave+Lily, Marisa, Nicole, and Nora!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Very Quiet Jake
And that's pretty much all you're gonna get out of me tonight, 'cause I just packed all my stuff and I am not too chatty and the moment. Also, it's hot. Insane hot. I drank an entire pitcher of iced tea, several cups of water, and some quantity of soymilk, and I'm still thirsty. I'm the Very Hungry Caterpillar of thirst.
As long as I'm linking Sean's MySpace page, I should link this.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Pepperoni and Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Olive, Chives
This bothers me enough from the perspective of someone who plays games, but as someone who wants to make games, I must say that I do not like the idea of selling out becoming the norm. Then again, this isn't a matter of my industry. Auctioning off our integrity is apparently such a fundamental part of human existence that we're advertising it to the stars.
The aliens won't need death-rays or shape-shifting when they come to conquer Earth. We'll happily take them to our leaders for a couple bucks.
Friday, June 27, 2008
The News From Your Bed
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Crazy Week
Current question: How does one move without a vehicle? I could rent a truck from a moving company or quickly make friends with a car-owner, but you know me; I like to make things difficult. If I steal a shopping cart, will I be able to fit my futon in it? Hmmm...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Remembering the Carlin
Carlin was one of the best.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
While Silly Thoughts Go Through My Head
When I woke up, I reasoned that if we could multiply food, we would never get a rotten apple. Someone would discover a great apple and multiply it until we had specific pieces of celebrity fruit. Maybe we would have a rotten apple, but we would trust that it was good because everyone else liked it and we didn't know any better. I thought, we already do this with people and media. Television is our cloning machine. Make a friend for everyone.
I dreamed I was reading a newspaper with a YouTube video embedded on the cover. When I woke up, I reasoned that this is technology we might develop, but why? There are events which can't be expressed by mere words on a page, but the real answer has nothing to do with news. I pictured myself walking through a store while every pack of toilet paper shouted to me at once, images flashing across the label.
I do not want this future.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Picture Book
Speaking of insane numbers, Ray Davies is coming to town next month. The price of a ticket? $107!! I mean, my congratulations to anyone who can still charge that much after all these years, but honestly! I can't even imagine what it would cost to see a full Kinks reunion.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Same As It Ever Was
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Capital M
Sorry! I ran out of time before finishing today's post! I don't want to lose that Hamburger when I'm so, so close.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lunchtime Conversations
1. The weather.
2. What everyone is eating.
3. What everyone is wearing.
4. Foods eaten during previous lunch breaks.
5. Foods to be eaten during future lunch breaks.
6. The size of the cafeteria tables.
7. The weather of other places where we have lived.
8. "Oh, that's right, we're not allowed to talk about the game. I'll tell you after lunch."
9. Previous jobs.
10. "Anyone see any movies lately?" (No)
11. Anime (I think. I have several vague memories of one person or another saying something about watching something with a Japanese-sounding name. By the time I regain consciousness, half my food is gone.)
12. "The cake is a lie." (If you don't know what this means, don't bother looking it up. It's a once-funny nerd joke that has been over-quoted to oblivion. You couldn't spend five minutes in the DigiPen computer labs last year without hearing someone say this, followed by raucous giggling.)
13. The last two make me sound like I'm really down on my coworkers. (Seriously, though, we get along pretty well.)
14. I'm not adding much to the conversation, myself. (So I'm in no position to complain.)
15. Silence.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Spore, Spore, Spore! How Do You Like It?
Spore is the latest game from genius Will Wright, creator of the Sim series. Spore won't be released for a few more months, but a small piece of the game is available now as a free download. It is loads of fun. It's somewhat similar to the Sim creator from The Sims 2, except instead of being limited to making humans, you can make anything from a spider to a whale to an abstract alien to a human. I haven't spent enough time with it to master all of the nuances, but even after just a few minutes I was making all sorts of crazy creeps.

Download the Spore Creature Creator! Do it! Now!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
How High Can You Get?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Remembering the Automobile
Are cars on the way out? It will be a slow process. We may run out of fuel. We may become environmentally conscious to the point where we're no longer comfortable using fuels, or we can't afford them. We may develop hoverboards and teleportation devices that bend time and space. Will we be driving cars at the end of the century? What about twenty years from now? Disease, famine, flooding, pollution, nuclear war, asteroids, supernovae, zombies - will there be anyone left to fill our driver's seats?
Setting aside the overwhelming possibility of a return of the living dead or a Return of the Living Dead Part II, I have my doubts that the automobile, at least as we know it, will survive to the end of humanity. Sure, it will exist in some way, but think about what cars mean to us now. Most obviously, they are our most convenient, efficient means of everyday transportation. In many ways, they provide the core to society's physical place in the world. Where we live and how we arrange our homes and business - all a result of the road. Streets dominate the our landscapes. Our first toys are tiny cars, and soon we build our own Hot Wheels tracks, and before that, after we've left the hospital, before we even enter our home for the first time, we are strapped into our car seats and buckled tightly.
And it's all brand new. The Ford Model T was first produced one hundred years ago. There are people older than the commercially available car. Will they live to see the end?
Cars will not disappear in an instant. There are simply too many, and they mean too much to us, but are they timeless? There will be car enthusiasts in the future. The vinyl record upended our culture overnight. Now, it too has enthusiasts. They love the retro feel of dropping the needle into a groove and boast of the medium's superior quality. Meanwhile, the masses slip their iPods in their pockets and shuffle until the battery dies.
Horses. Bikes. Camels. Rickshaws. Sleds. Boats. Buggies. Trains. Feet.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Not Pictured: Spandex
Maybe it's because the Internet provides me with very old pictures of experimental transportation:

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Behind the Scenes
Here's how it works, though. Some days, something so thrilling happens that I race to the computer and start typing. Most days, I sit down and wait for inspiration to strike. This is can take plenty of time. Often, I have other things I'd rather do than blog about how there are things I'd rather do than blog.
I have a rough mental list of things I'd like to eventually write about, but I also have the bad habit of waiting until fairly to late to begin writing, so rather than wasting one of my good ideas when I'm afraid I won't have time to fully explore it, I begin brainstorming new topics, but if I do come up with something good, I usually dump it on the list and wait for something shallower to enter my mind. Occasionally, I don't even get that far, and I have to wake up early tomorrow for work so I throw something stupid on this site press the submit button brush my teeth and go to bed goodnight.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Beautiful Day In the Neverhood

I've still never played it, but my sentiment hasn't changed, and every detail I learn convinces me further that it is surely something special. First of all, the graphics are rendered entirely from clay, a technique that's exceedingly rare in the world of video games.

The above is nothing more than a drawn-out introduction for today's post, the topic of which is "Here's some music I like." The music in question comes from The Neverhood. It's wacky.
The Neverhood Theme
Operator Plays A Little Pingpong
Everybody Way Oh!
If you like what you hear here, here, hear more. A full soundtrack for the game has been released and re-released, but even Amazon is sold-out. You could also try playing the game, but I don't think it's going to be any easier to find. I've been looking for years.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Always a Bridesmaid... Wait, No I'm Not
Congratulations, Mark and Susanna!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hail to the Leaf
I looked McKinney up, likely making this the first time in history that a political bumper sticker has had even the slightest effect on anyone. The biggest surprise? I mostly agree with her, even if she says things like "walking the talk." I'm still not going to vote for her, mostly because she doesn't wear a flag pin, but at least she's probably not a secret Muslim.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Eye, Eye, Cap'n!
This is about as close as I can come to talking about the job I'll be doing for eight or more hours a day for the rest of the summer, assuming my eye doesn't fall out.
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Snozzberries Taste Like Snozzberries
Rinse and repeat.
I don't think there's much more I'm allowed to say. It's even better than I imagined.
More news: I've found new roommates. I'm moving out!
More news: DiCaprio to Play Nolan Bushnell in Atari
But mostly, I'm so excited about my job! Woo hoo!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Pow-Pow-Power Wheels
The first is called Audiosurf. I downloaded the demo a few months ago, which let me play the game three times, then told me I'd have to pay for the full version to play more. I opened the game again the other day and was surprised to find that I was able continue playing. I'm not sure if this was some sort of glitch or if the game's creators have decided to be generous. The game's site gives the option to download the demo or pay $10 for the full game. I say get the demo - if you're lucky, you'll get the whole thing for free. If not, no loss, and you might find that the game is worth the low price.
Judged solely by the gameplay mechanics, Audiosurf is fairly lame. You guide a rocket ship-like thing down a highway and collect or avoid different blocks. You move left and right through the lanes in the road, with no control over the rocket's speed. There are several game-modes, but I only like one (Mono). So why can't I stop playing it? Audio surf is less of a game and more of an interactive way to experience music. Just pick any song and the game will use some algorithm (algorhythm?) to generate a roller coaster-y level that follows the sound of the music, complete with trippy bursts of visual flourish. It's the rare type of game that puts me into a hypnotic trance.
Of course, the amount of fun you'll have depends entirely on the music you choose. The game comes with the "Orange Box" soundtrack, but you'll have be much better off if you have a decent collection of tunes on your computer. So far I've found the most success with the Beatles and System of a Down. Fast, punky rock and mellow psychedelic music have provided some awesome results. Oh, and be sure to crank some Ace of Base. Rhythm games were made for dance music. Funk seems like it would be good, but is the beat is too erratic, it can be irritating. Disco is another mixed genre - "Don't Leave Me This Way"? Groovy. "Stayin' Alive", on the other hand, made me so sea-sick I had to quit playing.
The game was made to be played with a mouse or keyboard (do not use the keyboard; it's horrible), but I've rigged a more interesting control scheme.

The controls are fantastically simple (if you're using a keyboard, you'll only need the arrow keys), but the challenge many tracks can be daunting. The game comes with dozens of tracks of increasing difficulty. There's also an tool that allows you to build your own course, which is one of the best editors I've ever seen in any game. Anyone can build a track, and if you play online, you'll be on user made levels. It's cool, because you'll find a whole collection of brand new courses every time you play, but it comes at a price. The only rule for a track to be eligible for online play is that is has to be possible to reach the finish line. Most players are apparently most interested in pushing the limits of "possible." I manage to finish about one in four races online. Trackmania is fun, but it's crazy-hard.
Both of these games, by the way, are very pretty. If you happen to have purchased a new computer in the last week, downloading these games would be an excellent way to see what your fancy-pants machine can do.
Did you make it all the way through that? I know most, if not all, of you don't have the slightest desire to read about computer games. Thanks for indulging me. And if you skipped ahead, what is wrong with you? I take one day to write about something that interests me and you scroll through it. Wow, real polite. Hey, you don't know - I might have snuck some clever jokes in there that you would have enjoyed, but you see "computer games" and start spinning that little clicky wheel in the middle of your mouse. I made a Dukes of Hazard reference, I'll have you know, and I don't think that's ever going to happen again. But forget it. Who needs you anyway? Jerk.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I Don't Want To Bang On the Drum All Day
It's so cool to get a job you actually want.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Day Number One
Before the cup o' pee (this is the best pee in a cup ever!), I, of course, got to spend lots of time in a waiting room. After thumbing through a few worn-out magazines my gaze drifted toward a TV tuned to the Curious George show. Wow. Second funniest thing I've ever seen.
I didn't start watching until a few minutes into the show, so I missed a few plot points, but it seems some lady had asked to George to work at her candy shop while she went out to do other things. Let me remind you now that George is an ordinary monkey. He may be unusually curious, but he he's still a monkey in a human world. So some guy comes in and asks for mint candy. George doesn't know which candy is mint, so he picks up a piece, bites it in half, and shows the filling to guy. The guy looks at the monkey and tells him that it doesn't look like mint, so George bites another one. Again, it doesn't look like mint. At this point, the customer is yelling at George, and the poor monkey is trying his hardest, but the man finally gives up. "I don't have time for this! I'll come back later, and you better have the mint candy by then."
As soon as this guy leaves, a woman walks in and gives George this complicated order. She wants six pieces of pink candy and four divided into two boxes, or something, so George sticks a bunch of candy in a couple of boxes and hands it to her. Now this woman is yelling. Now an old dude walks in and asks for a single piece of candy, but the crazy woman is still yelling, so George begins rearranging the boxes, but the old dude wants another piece of candy, so George helps him, but the woman is yelling. The old man asks for another piece of candy and George accidentally gives him one of the pieces he had bitten earlier. The man takess at the monkey pox-ridden chocolate and says very seriously, "This is only half a piece of candy. I better only have to pay half price."
More people enter the store. George is overwhelmed, so he starts flinging handfuls of candy on the counter. A man begins to flail his hands like a fourteen year-old girl and screams: "Ooooo, free samples!" Everyone in the store, by the way, is an adult; out of the ten or so people who showed up while I was watching, there was one kid. George continues to throw everything within reach and make Frank Welker sounds.
At about this time, the store's owner returns and sees the bustling crowd. "Wow, George, you've brought in so many customers!" She helps with all the orders, and then takes inventory. "Oh, no, George. You gave away more than you sold. Now I can't afford any more ingredients. I'm out of business." Perhaps leaving a business in the hands of monkeys isn't the best way to go.
It reminded me of how glad I am that I won't be returning to retail work this summer.
And if you were curious, the number one funniest thing:

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Pushing Little Children With Their Fully Automatics
I got a call today from Staples.
They don't start hiring for summer positions until the beginning of next month.
While copying the above videos, I happened upon a short called Close Personal Friend, written and co-directed by Douglas Coupland, so it's obviously brilliant. Almost every line spoken was taken straight from Microserfs, but since Microserfs is the best book ever written, that's a good thing. If you like this movie, you should read the book.
I will warn you that it's about twenty-four minutes long.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Will Work For Hourly Wage
I went back to Nintendo to see if any new jobs had opened, and ya know what? I was directed to a kiosk with a grimy keyboard and an outdated computer. That's right - Nintendo uses the sort of standard, online application I mocked just days ago. I'm so disillusioned!
At the same, it's Nintendo. It will take a lot more than a stupid application process to turn me against Nintendo. Unfortunately, none of the positions listed appear to be summer jobs, but it's Nintendo. I'll happily apply for anything if it means getting my foot in the door. Let me playtest games, stick me in the warehouse, make me scrub toilets for minimum wage - whatever.
I did, however, just find another site that does appear to list summer-type jobs at Nintendo, so if you'll excuse me, I have to answer a few dozen questions about where I live.
On another note:
That thing I said I was going to write? I'm putting it on indefinite hold. Believe me, it's not anything you want to read. It seems to me that if I've put it off this long, I might as well just wait until I'm feeling inspired enough to write it well. It will appear here eventually, but I'm not going to make a big deal of it. You probably won't even know that you've read it.
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Fingers Were Crossed
I don't even have a good video today, so how about a music recommendation? You know what band is good? Like, mondo-good? Bishop Allen. Bishop Allen is great. They put on a fantastic live show, too. Part of one of their songs was played in Saved!, which was a pretty decent movie. Listen to them. Love them. Catch them with your butterfly nets. Take another picture of them with your click click click click camera. Invite them over for a cup of tea. If you feel like dancing, dance with them.
This is the band's official site, complete with free mp3s.
This is not the band's official site. This is the Daytrotter site, but it has a bunch of live recordings of Bishop Allen songs that you should download right away.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Happiness is a Can of Spray Paint
So here's the deal: I'm gonna slack a bit today, but I'll work ten times harder tomorrow.
As countless teachers have taught me through the years, there's no better way to slack than to show a video. Fortunately, this is an amazing one.
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Speak & Spell
This is highly experimental, and tonight's blog entry is due in about fifteen minutes, so keep your expectations low. What I'll be attempting is avant garde, real-time, musical blogging. Let's see how this goes...
1na2na3na4 ggagggadggagggadmmmemnmnmmmmmnmmggggu pplpplppplpplgfplgplfplgpplguuigugiiiggpluplopluploiihjhijiihjhihjjok
Huh, weird. Okay, really weird. I don't normally make this many typos.
I have a few minutes left. I'll try laying down another sick beat.
What a racist beat. Not cool, narrator.
So, what have we learned through all of this? Number one, we now know that it's really hard to type while someone is reading every letter you type. Two, we've found that Blogger won't let me upload audio files, so it look like I'll have to turn these into videos.
While I'm at it, here's a very rough demo of something you'll hopefully find on this blog one day:
Friday, May 30, 2008
It's Business, It's Business Time
1. Find a job.
2. Find a new place to live.
3. Compulsively check my e-mail to see if I've been accepted into the design major.
Seriously, I freak out every time I go to the bathroom it guarantees I'll be away from my inbox for at least a minute. If I had a laptop, it would be in there with me. Moving on!
The job hunt... I suspect this is subconsciously why I started stalling on my portfolio so much after it began to look like Nintendo wouldn't be calling me back. I can think of nothing worse than looking for a job (though that's probably just because I've repressed all my memories of working at Target). I haven't seen many help-wanted signs around town, so I've turned to the Internet to aid my search. Added perk: I can keep checking my e-mail while I seek employment. This is exactly the sort of statement you should never make on a blog that's accessible to potential employers.
I hoped that in a techie part of the world like this I might still have a shot at getting a game-testing gig, but looking for that kind of work on the Internet is like taking unsolicited financial advice from African royalty.
It looks like it will be back to retail for me. If you haven't had the pleasure of seeking a retail job in the Internet age, let me break it down for you. Every major store uses the same electronic survey to determine one's hireability. As anyone who has ever asked for assistance while shopping knows, the process of hiring only the best candidates has been made flawless with this system.
Honestly, it's like playing Guess Who? with a drunken chimp.
What is your address?
Do you live in California?
Do you live in Maine?
Have you been charged with any crime in the past six months?
Do you live in Wyoming?
Have you been charged with a felony within the last year?
Do you live in one of the following states: California, Maine, or Wyoming?
I swear I'm not exaggerating. It would be almost forgivable if this was a paper form, but it's electronic and it loads a new page after every question. Still, it's not as bad as the 100 question personality test. You could get a better understanding of a person's character by grabbing a Cosmo and and asking Are You a Good Flirt? That's not a joke; this quiz really is more insightful.
Stealing things from work is wrong - agree or disagree?
I don't like to have close friends because they'll only hurt me - agree or disagree?
I get angry for no reason and swear at people - agree or disagree?
I enjoy taking orders - agree or disagree?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Look at the Footage!
Non-family members, you are dismissed for now; you'll find nothing of interest here today. Family members, if you thought reading blogs was bad on an ordinary day, let's see how you like it when I demand that you read my admittedly dull musings. Aunts, my mom tells me that you've been secretly lurking on my blog for some time. This is your punishment for never leaving comments, not even when I specifically request them. I blog so hard for you, and I never even get one emoticon in return... Wait, what I talking about? Oh, right, Redmond.
Yeah, so, that video - it reminded me of early days of JakeyPen, before the hamburger contests and the drugs, back when this was a simple, never-updated corner of the Web full of pixelated plant pictures and Tiny Toons references. I have a few pictures I never uploaded from those days, and I've discovered some other cool locations since then, but my updates were so sporadic back then that I never got around to finishing my photo-tour of the town. I think I'm going to make a bigger effort in the next few days to carry my camera. If nothing else, a few pictures of flowers and mountains will be a refreshing break from YouTube videos. Maybe not refreshing. But a break. Plus, the flowers and mountains will match the symbols by the focus switch on the side of my camera. Whoa - I just blew my own mind.
By the way, check out all those bike lunatics in that video. They are so crazy!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Nearly Done
Time until I'll be finished with my final drawing: 1-2 hours.
I'll be back with a real entry in just a bit.
Update: About an hour-and-a-half later...
Now I can go get a job.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Stick an Oreo in My Portfolio
The title of this post comes from the song "No Head" by Atom & His Package. I wasn't entirely certain that "stick" was the right word, so I tried to look it up. Surprisingly, I was unable to find the lyrics anywhere online. Fortunately,'s short sample of the song included the phrase in question, so a crisis was avoided this time, but if you know the lyrics to any Atom & His Packages songs, please, share your knowledge with the Internet. The Internet gives you so much. Isn't time you gave something back?
Here's a very sweaty Atom singing an unrelated song to a crowd drugged-up robots:
Speaking of music, guess what I was supposed to do tonight that didn't involve store-bought sandwich cookies or frustrated pencil-throwing.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Regarding Yesterday's Post
Not for real forever, but it took a long time. My point is, it's done. Hooray.
But the last picture is not. Poop.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sorry, Fans
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Shigeru Miyamoto
This dude:

Friday, May 23, 2008
To be honest, I'm kind of a loser Mates of State fan. In fact, this is the only song I know:
In my defense, I like this song a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Plus, I have a few days to catch up on their music, and it's a record store show, not a real show, so it's not as if I'll be the only loser-fan there.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Semi-Disposable Swedish Furniture
To fill the gap during my hopefully brief boring streak, please be entertained by the story of the IKEA Fancy Dress Dinner Party, brought to you by
Actually, this reminds of a none-too-interesting anecdote. Very shortly after I first moved to Washington, in the days before I had furniture, I went to the local IKEA. As I entered, I heard someone make reference to "Semi-Disposable Swedish Furniture," a quote from Douglas Coupland's Generation X, a book I incidentally just finished re-reading (I'm currently working on The Second City Almanac of Improvisation and Noam Chomsky's Interventions, as long as I'm sharing unremarkable mundanities from my life). Anyway, I think it was the moment when I heard strangers at the furniture store laughing over Douglas Coupland references that made me feel as though I had finally escaped the dirty, dirty south.
Edit: I just looked up "dirty south" on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it is a term of endearment for the region. Let it be clear that I have no positive feelings toward the south.